Creating a sense of place
This event – a boat cruise from the slipway near Sainsbury’s to the mouth of the River Foyle – proved to be one of the most interesting and well-attended events of the Foyle Landscape Project.
Almost one hundred people boarded ‘The Maid of Antrim’ at 11.00am on Saturday 20 October 2012 for a day-long cruise, organised by Dr Liam Campbell, Project Officer with the Foyle Landscape Project. Thereafter, Dr Billy Kelly and Dr Eamonn O Ciardha, both of the History Department of the University of Ulster, maintained a commentary on the historic landmarks on both banks, the events of the historic Siege, the ‘Flight of the Earls’ and the River Foyle’s important and strategic role in the Second World War. Their narrative was enlivened by an additional impromptu -and unscripted – talk by Professor Paul McKevitt, a Foyle Civic Trust member and a native of Moville, whose local knowledge proved second to none.
After a hearty lunch on board, ‘The Maid of Antrim’ headed back towards the city, with its passengers and crew in light-hearted mood after a breezy morning on board. The boat docked in Derry at approximately 4.00pm, just after the presentation of a bottle of ‘Navy Rum’ to Dr Liam Campbell in appreciation of a well-organised and very enjoyable event.
The 2013 Foyle Civic Trust (FCT) Annual General Meeting was held in the Level 5 Conference Room of Derry City Council Offices, Strand Road, on Thursday 23 May 2013 at 7.30pm. The FCT was honoured to have Sharon O’Connor, Chief Executive of Derry City Council as guest speaker. Thirty five FCT members were present.
Nuala McAllister Hart [Chairman of the FCT] welcomed Ms O’Connor and FCT members to the AGM and suggested that AGM business should be completed first. Following annual reports by the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, the existing committee and officers were re-elected en masse, and two new members added: Hazel Philson and Paul Haslam. The Chairman welcomed them and said that she was delighted that they had agreed to join the executive committee.
The Chairman also reminded members of Translink’s ongoing consultation on the location of a new/old/refurbished Railway Station for the city. She suggested that members may wish to vote for Option 3 in a bid to have the 1870s Waterside Railway Station refurbished and restored to its original function.
After a short break for refreshments, Ms O’Connor spoke about Derry City Council: its internal re-structuring, involvement in the City of Culture 2013 celebrations and events, and future plans with regard to the Review of Public Administration. After a short ‘question and answer’ session, Nuala McAllister Hart thanked Ms O’Connor for her excellent talk and then presented her with a small token of appreciation on behalf of the FCT.
The AGM concluded at 9.30pm.
Tel: 028 71371037
Email: foylecivictrust@gmail.com
Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100078